Preparation for ISTQB Foundation certification - Complete Training Preparation for the exam via Mock exam
Training carried out on December 20, 21, 22 and 23, 2023 for Executives and Agents of the company
Target population : Professionals in the software testing activity (project management, project management, services and operation, end users) wishing to rely on a standard and standardized repository.
The objectives of this training:
- At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
- Acquire the vocabulary of norms and standards relating to Testing activity (ISO and IEEE).
- Master all the activities of a testing process.
- Know the different levels and types of tests.
- Understand testing techniques and methods.
- Have an overview of the testing profession.
- Prepare for and take the “ISTQB Foundation” certification exam.
Prérequis :
- Basic knowledge of the software life cycle (information systems, embedded, real time).