The most effective legal and practical methods for good debt recovery

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  4. أنجع الطرق القانونية والعملية...

About of this training:

Training duration :2 Days
Language :Arabe
Former :consultant trainer in the field for many years.
Training method:Inter-Company training
Certification:Certificate approved by the State
Training site :5* hotel
Inscription Formation

Informations personnelles

Full name
Nom & Prénom
First Name
Last name

Informations professionnelles

The objectives of the training:

  • Enabling participants to acquire the techniques and legal mechanisms necessary to protect the rights of the creditor towards the debtor
  • Good use of guarantees, especially personal and in-kind insurances
  • Learn about the legal procedures and practical solutions to extract debts and apply them properly within the scope of their institutions' files

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