Purchasing department dashboard

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About of this training:

Training duration :3 Days
Language :French
Target population :Responsables approvisionnements ; approvisionneurs ; gestionnaire de stock ; logisticiens.
Former :consultant trainer in the field for many years.
Training method:Inter-Company training
Certification:Certificate approved by the State
Training site :5* hotel
Inscription Formation

Informations personnelles

Full name
Nom & Prénom
First Name
Last name

Informations professionnelles

The objectives of the training:

  • Organize your work more efficiently and classify your product portfolio.
  • Understand basic techniques: avoid stockouts while minimizing stock levels.
  • Master the daily relationship with the supplier and be efficient in its follow-up.
  • Determine just how much safety stock is needed.
  • Write logistics specifications and evaluate a supplier.
  • Master the basic techniques of the supplying profession.
  • Monitor a supply dashboard.

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