Cash management and banking negotiation. Calculation, monitoring and control of bank fees and loan interests

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About of this training:

Training duration :2 Days
Language :French
Target population :Trésoriers, Comptables, DAF, Chefs d'entreprise , Cadres et responsables comptables, financiers, auditeurs internes, et autres gestionnaires ainsi que tout cadres ayant une relation directe ou indirecte avec l’aspect financier de l’entreprise…….
Former :consultant trainer in the field for many years.
Training method:Inter-Company training
Certification:Certificate approved by the State
Training site :5* hotel
Inscription Formation

Informations personnelles

Full name
Nom & Prénom
First Name
Last name

Informations professionnelles

The objectives of the training:

  • Position of the treasurer and that of the cash management activity in the company or establishment.
  • Understand the objectives of cash management: Couple: Profitability / security.
  • Know how to prepare a Cash Budget.
  • Techniques Adopted for Cash Management.
  • The tools that the treasurer uses to manage his cash flow (surplus & deficit).
  • Know how to master banking conditions in order to use them well.
  • Establish bank reconciliations.
  • Check the interest scales by recalculating it according to banking conditions.

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